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Welsh Ambulance Service recognised for green ethos

THE Welsh Ambulance Service has been highly commended for its work to embed environmental sustainability into its working culture.

Every year the Advancing Healthcare Awards programme recognises high achievers in the industry, and 2020 has been the Year of Green Action.

In 2016, the Welsh Ambulance Service launched a new Clinical Response Model that has become a template for ambulance services across the UK.

Led by the Trust’s Medical Director, Dr Brendan Lloyd, it was developed from an extensive engagement process, including the public and Welsh Government with the backbone of it is a relentless focus on ensuring the sickest patients are seen first.

Key ‘green’ points in the model are:

Senior clinical on-call rota to support paramedics facing difficult decisions – driving down unnecessary conveyances;

The Advanced Paramedic Practitioner model which launched in January 2019, and in a year saw 1,978 patients visited with 65% of these being treated in the home – again, saving a huge amount of travel;

Piloting the use of electric vehicles;

Meeting the Welsh Government target of a 3% reduction in carbon dioxide annually; and

Leading the way with Video Conference meetings

Of the commendation, Dr Lloyd said: “We are pleased that our long-term strategy to reduce the carbon footprint and lead the way in innovative and greener working practices has been recognised.

“It is at the core of everything our clinical team do and we will continue to push forward to meet and exceed government environmental standards.”

This year’s overall winner is Sioned Quirke from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board for her work to encourage young people to eat healthily.

As the manager of Wales first weight management service for children, she has encouraged the use of fresh local produce, less processed food and activity in green spaces, while offering virtual consultations to reduce travel and carbon emissions.

The four highly commended entries are Rachael Sharples, for her work in palliative rehabilitation at Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice in Keighley; Amanda Atkinson from Swansea Bay for her work in improving occupational therapy services for children and Jack Stancel-Lewis, an audiologist at Imperial College, London, for his work in using birdsong to identify hearing loss.

The Welsh Ambulance Service also has two other nominations in the awards – they are up for:

The Welsh Government award for Prudent Healthcare; and

The AHP Clinical Leadership award sponsored by Allied Health

The nominees will be celebrated along with the other category winners at a virtual ceremony on 16 October 2020. For updates follow @AHAwards on Twitter.

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