
Wales News Online

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Welsh Lib Dems committed to opposing COVID pass scheme

Commenting ahead of this evening’s vote in the Senedd on the possible extension of covid passes to cinemas, concert halls and theatres, Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Jane Dodds MS stated:

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats will continue to oppose any expansion of the COVID pass scheme in Wales. The previous vote on the implementation of the scheme was based on their limited use in certain premises and venues. The Welsh Government is already breaking trust by expanding the scheme despite not presenting any evidence of their effectiveness in reducing case numbers.

“Our view remains that the system is both illiberal and unworkable. Recent leaked evidence from the UK Government continues to demonstrate that in addition to concerns over civil liberties, the scheme may be counterproductive, pushing people from larger venues into poorly ventilated smaller venues.

“I am also extremely concerned over the financial impact of the scheme on an industry that is already struggling to deal with the fallout of the pandemic. Community theatres and cinemas have repeatedly raised their concerns over the financial impact of the extension of the scheme, which have not been adequately addressed.”

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