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Welshman to be the first person to run across all of Wales’ 189 mountains in aid of Mind Over Mountains

Will Renwick, 31 from Llancarfan, Editor of Outdoors Magic and YouTube’s Will’s World is striving to be the first person to run 500 miles solo across Wales.

This challenge has never been done before. Going South to North, Will is running up 189 mountains self-supported, carrying all his gear on his back in just 3 weeks.

The route covers every peak in Wales over 2000ft in height, or 50m elevation. Will is raising funds for outdoor mental health charity Mind Over Mountains

The challenge started 10 September 2021, and aims to end 04 October 2021 in Conwy.
Will is available for interview in person or on the phone via Will Renwick 07863 547371 *Please note Will may have periods out of signal or Alex Staniforth, Mind Over Mountains alex@mindovermountains.org.uk 07891 841376

One epic solo adventure the length of Wales. It’s fair to say Will Renwick loves Wales.

So much so, he’s running across every single mountain in the country – 500 miles South to North, solo and unsupported. It’s a brutal challenge that’s never been attempted before – 189 mountains, in just 3 weeks, all the while carrying his camping gear on his back.

His ankles are aching, he has holes in his feet and his one lighter has broken, meaning his- ‘boil in a bag’ meals are now eaten cold.

The generosity of strangers donating to his chosen charity, Mind Over Mountains, is what is keeping him going.

Mind Over Mountains are a mental health charity, bringing together the healing power of nature, mindfulness and unpressured time to talk with professionals. A critical time where many need immediate and accessible mental health services, according to ONS data depression rates have doubled since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Will began his journey on 10 September by heading north out of Swansea. He said “The idea of a gigantic, never-been-done-before adventure within my home country really appealed to me, especially if I tied it to a charity with a cause that’s close to my heart. Mind Over mountains is a small charity making a big difference for people and I’m proud to be fund raising for them.”

Will has already raised an incredible £4,500 for his chosen charity. Alex Staniforth, the co-founder of Mind Over Mountains commented, “We’re thrilled that Will has chosen to support Mind Over Mountains through such a phenomenal challenge. It perfectly embodies our ethos in the power of spending time outdoors for our physical and mental well-being. Will’s journey will inspire so many whilst enabling us to help others in need to access their own mountains and the support they need.”

His first port of call was the Black Mountain range in the western Brecon Beacons. Each of the 190 mountains he’s aiming to climb has a summit more than 2000ft in height or with an elevated prominence of at least 50 metres. His route progressively gets harder, saving Snowdon and the rest of the Welsh 3000s until last, aiming to finish in Conwy October 3rd.

To follow his adventure, visit his Instagram @will_renwick, Twitter @WillWalksWales or to donate visit Will’s JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wales-190

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