
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Dear Editor,

As an employee of Carmarthenshire County Council for many years, I am used to having money withheld. It is common that a September pay-rise is not paid until November at the earliest, and it is not unknown for the rise to finally be paid after Christmas. However, I find it morally disgusting that, at a time when some families are living hand-to-mouth because of the financial crisis, the council tax rebate, originally due in April, still has not been paid. I pay using the council website and not through direct debit; I am told I will receive a form that will then need to be processed to receive the rebate – I have still not even received the form. Compare this to Swansea, a neighbouring council that has almost one third more people to deal with, who paid their households the rebate over 3 weeks ago. Perhaps the chief executive finds it difficult to empathise with people having difficulty with their finances given his 6-figure salary. I have no doubt that the council would quickly resort to the courts if people did not pay their council tax, yet they have no qualms about withholding money from struggling families.

Name and address supplied

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