
Wales News Online

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Workers at food processing plants should be ‘tested regularly’ say Plaid Cymru

PLAID Cymru MS for the South Wales East region Delyth Jewell is calling for the Welsh Government to utilise its testing capacity to regularly test workers at food factories and processing plants.

Following recent outbreaks at three different food processing plants in Wales on Anglesey, in Wrexham and Merthyr, Plaid Cymru MS for South Wales East Delyth Jewell has urged the Welsh Government to reconsider elements of its testing strategy to include regular testing of food factories and processing plants to avoid future outbreaks.

Delyth Jewell MS said,

“The Welsh Government must act swiftly in response to this trend of outbreaks at food factories and processing plants, and alter its testing method accordingly. Whilst testing everyone isn’t possible under the current testing capacity, carrying out regular, targeted testing would be an appropriate and reasonable way for the Welsh Government to utilise its testing capacity.

“Clearly this is a high-risk sector, and measures must be taken to mitigate this risk. Regular testing would ensure that any future outbreaks are avoided by identifying cases early and using isolation measures to prevent transmission.

“Community transmission from the three current outbreaks has so far not occurred according to the government, but there are still hundreds of positive cases linked to them.

“How many more outbreaks at food factories and processing plants will it take for the Welsh Government to target testing and prevent further outbreaks across Wales that would put further communities at risk?”

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