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81 incidents involving weapons on Welsh rail network in last three years, Welsh Lib Dems reveal

THE Welsh Liberal Democrats have revealed there were 81 incidents involving offensive weapons on trains or at rail stations in Wales over the last three years.

Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesperson Christine Jardine MP has said the new figures “show the utter failure of Tory Ministers to keep people safe from crimes involving offensive weapons, especially knives.”

Figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats under freedom of information reveal there were a total of 1840 incidents across the UK in 2019, up from 1268 in 2017. In the last three years there was a total of 5173.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said:

“It’s unacceptable staff and passengers across the Welsh rail network are experiencing violence and attacks while travelling. We need urgent action from the UK Government to get a grip of this issue.

“Wales is in the grip of an epidemic of serious violence, and we urgently need more practical solutions. Instead, all the Tories can offer are the same old policies that fail to make our communities any safer.

“If the Home Secretary is determined to tackle knife crime in Wales, then we need action not hollow rhetoric.”

Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesperson Christine Jardine MP:

“These alarming figures show the utter failure of Tory Ministers to keep people safe from crimes involving offensive weapons, especially knives.

“Officers should be given the resources they need to do their job and keep our communities safe. That is why Liberal Democrats are calling for more community policing, more youth services and a proper public health approach to serious violence.”

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