
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

AM gives ‘thumbs up’ to ambitious art project

NEIL Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales and Leader of UKIP Wales has given the thumbs up to an ambitious art project.

Mr Hamilton, joined fellow AM’s in Cardiff this week as they left their fingerprints alongside those of the people they represent.

He added his prints to an emerging collective ‘fingerprint of the nation’ created by artist, Elaine Robinson.

He said: “I was delighted to take part in such an interesting and ambitious project. It is a wonderful idea and a great way of connecting people across the UK, especially at this time of division.

“This is an emerging nationwide artwork and I would like to congratulate Elaine for coming up with such an innovative idea.

“She has already been to the House of Commons to collect the fingerprints of MPs, Lords and other Westminster workers and I was only too happy to add my mark.

“I look forward to seeing the completed artwork.”

Apart from being asked to leave their fingerprints people have also been encouraged to talk about identity. How do we react when we are asked for our fingerprint? What constitutes our uniqueness and what gives us our collective voice?

The artwork SPOTtimespotTIME’ when finished will be encased in resin, and preserved as a fitting nationwide fingerprint documenting our time as a ‘Fingerprint of Unity’.

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