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AM supports campaign demanding action for people with ‘deadliest’ cancer

Neil Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales is backing a new campaign demanding action for people with the deadliest common cancer.

Mr Hamilton has pledged his support to Pancreatic Cancer UK’s campaign calling for people to be given a fair chance to beat pancreatic cancer.

He said: “It is heart-breaking that 93 per cent of people with pancreatic cancer will die within five years of diagnosis. Nobody should face such appalling odds.

“We have seen significant improvements in the diagnosis, treatment and awareness of many cancers, lifesaving progress for which we are all hugely grateful, but for pancreatic cancer to have been left so far behind is unacceptable.

“I hope everyone in the Mid & West Wales area will join me in backing this campaign and help transform survival for this devastating disease.”

At the recent launch of Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Demand Survival Now campaign at the Senedd, Mr Hamilton heard how, despite progress in overall cancer survival, pancreatic cancer remains the deadliest common cancer.

Currently 93 per cent of people will die within five years of diagnosis, making pancreatic cancer eight times deadlier than other common cancers such as prostate, breast or bowel cancer.
The charity is now calling for the Government and devolved administrations to produce a dedicated national plan in response to the pancreatic cancer emergency.

A report released by the charity to coincide with the campaign launch highlights how decades of underfunding for research into pancreatic cancer have hampered efforts to improve survival and just 2.1 per cent of the UK cancer research budget is currently spent on the disease. The charity wants Governments to prioritise pancreatic cancer by investing £25m into research annually to help find desperately needed new treatments and deliver earlier diagnosis.

Pancreatic Cancer UK has started a petition calling for the Welsh Government and other governments across the UK to produce a dedicated national plan to transform survival for pancreatic cancer. To sign the petition visit: www.demandsurvivalnow.org.uk

Diana Jupp, CEO of Pancreatic Cancer UK said: “We’re extremely grateful Neil Hamilton has shown his support for our Demand Survival Now campaign. Decades of underfunding and inaction from Governments of all colours have made tackling pancreatic cancer a cancer emergency like no other.

“The huge strides which have been made in improving survival for other cancers are proof that the UK can do so much better, and it’s time Governments prioritised the deadliest common cancer. With a dedicated plan, we can transform the future for patients and their loved ones. Please join us by signing the petition. It’s unacceptable that people with pancreatic cancer face such deadly odds. They deserve a fair chance to survive.”

Photo: Neil Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales with Pancreatic Cancer UK supporter, Tracie

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