
Wales News Online

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PARKING restrictions and one-way traffic to improve pedestrian safety in Cardigan will be advertised by Ceredigion County Council.

Cabinet agreed that proposals for two traffic orders be published and if no objections are received implemented, depending on funding, in the south Ceredigion town.

No objections were received at the first stage of discussions on introducing parking restrictions on College Row and Maes-yr-Haf and one-way traffic on Bathhouse Road, College Row and Maes-yr-Haf.

A report to cabinet on January 28 states: “These are being proposed in order to permit improved footway provision, therefore contributing to increased safety for pedestrians and encouraging Active Travel.”

Grant funding for improving the footway would be required before implementing the traffic orders, it adds.

“The proposals will benefit all road users, local businesses and service providers by providing safer, more accessible and better regulated use of available space within the public highway,” states the report.

If objections are received they will be discussed with local members before being referred back to cabinet.

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