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Helen Mary Jones AM calls for statement from Welsh Government on Carmarthenshire school transport

PLAID Cymru AM Helen Mary Jones has raised the impact on school children in Carmarthenshire of new bus regulations from Westminster. She asked for a statement from the Labour led Welsh Government in the Senedd.

The Mid and West AM quizzed the Welsh Government’s Minister for Finance and Trefnydd Rebecca Evans.

Mid and West Assembly Member Helen Mary Jones said: “I asked for a statement about the implementation of the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000. Of course, we would all very much welcome public buses becoming more accessible for disabled people, and it is of course true to say that companies have known for some time that these regulations are coming in.”

“In my region, this is having an effect on children in the Tumble and Drefach areas. It’s true to say that the private contractors can’t say that they weren’t given notice, but if this does lead to a situation where children are have to walk, and sometimes having to walk quite long distances, that may have implications for Welsh Government policy going forward.

“It may be that we need to reconsider the current law, which only commits us to two miles for a primary school child, when you think that primary school children are now as young as three years old.”

In the Senedd Rebecca Evans AM replied: “The Minister with responsibility for economy and transport has this area within his portfolio, and I will make him aware of the discussion that we’ve had and the particular concerns you’ve described in your area and make him aware of that request for the statement, because the points you raise are important points.”

Helen Mary Jones AM will meet with parents and campaigners this coming Thursday in Tumble.


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