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Neil Hamilton urges organisations to check eligibility for cultural support

NEIL HAMILTON, MS for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales is urging organisations in the culture and heritage sector to apply for financial assistance. Mr Hamilton, a member of the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs committee, is calling on those in the industry to find out whether they are eligible for support from the Welsh Government’s £53million Cultural Recovery Fund.

He said: “I welcome news of the extra funding to help a sector which has been severely disrupted by Covid–19 all over the UK. Many venues, including theatres, historic attractions and museums, have been unable to open because of the continuing crisis. “Of course, there needs to be caution when opening-up places where a number of people gather but, unless venues are allowed to open soon, many will be lost for ever which would be a tragedy. “This is why it is important for anyone involved in the culture and heritage sector to find out as soon as possible if they are eligible for this vital support.” The new fund will see music venues; recording and rehearsal studios; Heritage organisations and historic attractions; accredited museums and archive services; libraries; events and their technical support suppliers; independent cinemas and the publishing sector being able to bid for a share of £18.5 million. The latest funding is part of the Welsh Government’s £53 million package to support the culture and arts sectors which are coping with a dramatic loss of revenue as a result of the pandemic. A separate element of the Cultural Recovery Fund, worth £27.5 million, is being delivered through the Arts Council of Wales to support theatres and galleries. This fund was launched on August 17 details available on the Arts Council’s website.

The online eligibility checker opens Tuesday, September 1 and organisations will be able to make applications for support from the fund from September 14. The closing date for applications is September 30. A non-repayable grant of up to £150,000, up to 100% of eligible costs, per organisation will be available via two application entry points: Under £10,000: quick process for smaller organisations based on eligible costs and between £10,000 to £150,000: more detailed process based on eligible costs. The triage system will indicate the appropriate route for organisations to follow. There will also be a £7 million fund for freelancers to support individuals in the sector who have been impacted by the pandemic. Go to the Welsh Government website for more details.

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