
Wales News Online

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THE PROPOSED new access for Haverfordwest’s £40 million school is yet to be agreed with ‘more questions’ identified.

Cllr Bob Kilmister said at Thursday’s corporate overview and scrutiny committee that a change in staff at the Trunk Road Agency had resulted in a delay.

The proposed new build school on the former Sir Thomas Picton site includes a plan for a new access off the A40 bypass within the site boundary and avoiding an area of special scientific interest.

On Thursday (September 12) cabinet member for finance Cllr Kilmister responded to Cllr Michael John’s question about the scheme and potential delays to the school build.

“There’s a problem with that at the present moment with changes in personnel at the trunk road agency. We’ve put in a planning application for that [the new entrance] and they have said they don’t want us to proceed because there’s more questions they want to ask us,” said Cllr Kilmister.

He added that it was believed that there was “activity” within the Welsh Government to deal with it and it was “disappointing after two years of talking to them and believing they don’t have a problem with it but for people to change positions and now there is.”

Delaying the school build was not an option due to increase cost risks and it will “proceed” with a different entrance if absolutely necessary.

The 21st Century School budget for the entire scheme is £48.7million.


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