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New funding to help tackle impact of Covid-19

NEW funding has been made available to assist a wide range of organisations which have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Various grants have been announced to help charities, organisations and community groups to continue to deliver much needed services and provide support to communities.

Projects most impacted by the coronavirus and which support some of the most vulnerable in our communities will be able to benefit from financial support.

The funding packages span the arts, community, charity, heritage, education, environment and sports sectors and include:

The National Lottery Community Fund has made up to £300million available over the next six months to support people and communities at this tim

Sport Wales has launched an Emergency Relief Fund of £400,000 for not-for-profit sport clubs and organisations delivering community sport and physical activity in Wales.

Grants of up to £75,000 are available from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) to support voluntary sector organisations that need financial support to survive the current crisis.

The Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales has secured £325,000 to create a COVID-19 Resilience grant scheme offering grants of up to £10,000 to Welsh museums and heritage attractions.

The council website has further information on these grants as well as various other funding packages. The page will continue to be updated as more information on funding becomes available.

Executive Board Member for Resources Cllr David Jenkins said: “We recognise the huge impact that the coronavirus has had on communities and as a council we are working hard to help as much as we can.

“Local charities and community groups provide vital services supporting our most vulnerable residents, and we need them now more than we ever have.

“Our officers have identified a number of sources of financial support available to assist organisations affected by the pandemic, and we will continue to provide further information as more funding is announced.”

Visit newsroom.carmarthenshire.gov.wales/coronavirus for further information.

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