
Wales News Online

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A REPLACEMENT bungalow will be built on a countryside site in St Dogmaels despite technically being against policy.

A full planning application went to Tuesday’s (Jun 18) committee at Pembrokeshire County Council because it was contrary to the development plan but was recommended for approval.

The planning report said that the amended plan was partly in retrospect but members were told this was incorrect because no development work had started.

The new bungalow at Waunsegur Isaf, Cwmdegwel, would be in what was considered an “unsuitable” location but because a building did previously exist there it was acceptable.

The original application, which included a plan to demolish the old bungalow was granted in 2018, and this has been carried out.

The new bungalow will include three bedrooms, with some accommodation in the roof with rooflights and a dormer window.

Proposed material include a slate roof, timber clad walls and aluminium
windows and doors.

The planning committee approved the application.

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