
Wales News Online

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Plush Christmas lunch for 57 people with difficulties

CHOOSELIFE is a charity based in Llanelli and their role is to provide a day centre for people with difficulties including mental health issues, drug addiction, homelessness and people who have recently been released from prison.

The building, which is located near Llanelli train station was decorated ready for a Christmas lunch available free to 57 centre users. The lunch was partially paid for by a kind donation from two local estate agents. Plush Lettings and Thornes Estate Agents donated £500 towards the meal.

Before the meal was served the deputy mayor and former magistrate Michael Cranham and his wife deputy mayoress Megan gave a speech thanking centre manager Alan Andrews for all the work he does within the community.

There was a singalong to Christmas carols before Mr Andrews gave a speech explaining why he continued to provide the service in Llanelli and a brief history of his own life including time in prison and as a drug user now rehabilitated through finding his faith.

There was the usual turkey stuffing and roast with plenty of lemonade to wash it all down.

Mr Andrews said that he could not understand why there was such a negative perception of the centre when it was evident that without it many of the people attending would be on the streets and in a far worse position.

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