
Wales News Online

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Police appeal for information following burglary and theft of dog

OFFICERS investigating a burglary in which a family pet was stolen and later found dead are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.


A white man, dressed all in black, was captured on CCTV entering the back of a property on Sloper Road, Cardiff, at 1.05 pm on Wednesday, September 25.

Having forced entry to the conservatory, the burglar then spent approximately 18 minutes in the house, before leaving with a small grey safe and the family’s two-year-old French Bulldog, Shadow.

The dog was found dead the following morning near train tracks on Penarth Road, devastating his owners.

The safe has yet to be found.

Detective Constable Alex Smith said: “Burglaries have a huge impact on victims, who are often left feeling unsafe and vulnerable in their own homes.

“Not only do the family, in this case, have to deal with this, but they have also been left utterly distraught at the theft and subsequent death of their beloved pet.

“We would appeal to anyone who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area around the time of the incident or anyone who has any information which may assist the investigation, to come forward.

“Officers are particularly interested in any private CCTV residents in the Grangetown area of Cardiff may have.”

Information can be reported via 101, quoting occurrence 1900355004. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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