
Wales News Online

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PLANS for an extension to be built at Newtown Police station have been approved by Powys County Council planners.

Paul Bowen of Dyfed Powys Police had lodged the application to build a new single storey extension at one of the buildings that make up the Police station complex on Park Lane in Newtown.

The extension would provide more space for the existing gym, and for the associated changing and shower rooms.

Mr Bowen explained that the existing building would be “reconfigured” to provide a secure area for office and storage space.

This in turn would allow the Police CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) department to work out of the building from its own entrance.

The proposed extension will measure four metres in depth and 9.4 metres in width, with a height of 3.1 metres at the tallest part.

Planning officer Rhian Griffiths said: “The proposal in this instance relates to an extension of the existing police station to provide additional space.

“The single storey extension is sited within the grounds of the existing police station.

“It is considered that the development fundamentally complies with relevant planning policy and the recommendation is therefore one of conditional consent.”

One of the conditions attached to the planning permission that the police would need to adhere to, is that two “bat or bird” boxes are placed outside the building.

In a design and access statement to support the proposal, agent Russell Wilks said: “The Police wish to bring in another department to use the house and this will require taking up some of the existing gym area on the ground floor.

“It was decided that by building a single storey extension, the gym area could be increased and allow the other department to have the required space to

“The new department requires secure lone access, so the building has been reconfigured to separate the two uses internally with the new department
utilizing the existing front door and the extension containing a new entrance to the gym.”

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