
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THE proposed council tax increase of 3.7 per cent in Newport is a “bitter pill to swallow” and a “kick in the teeth,” for residents the leader of the council’s Conservative group has said.

Cllr Matthew Evans, leader of the Conservative group at Newport City Council said the cabinet’s decision to recommend a 3.7 per cent increase in council tax rather than the initial five per cent is “better.”

However, Cllr Evans said:

“They’re still talking about an increase of more than 10 per cent over the last two years.

“It is a bitter pill to swallow. People are struggling. I think many residents feel like it’s a kick in the teeth.”

“I think it was the Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, who said any increase in council tax would be absurd.”

Cllr Evans said that there were some positive stories to come out of the final budget proposal.

He said:

“Cambridge House for looked-after children is very outdated and funding is in place to provide better services.

“It’s going to be costing them less.

“Another welcome announcement is the additional money to tackle fly-tipping.”

Cllr Evans raised concerns over a lack of “acknowledgement or constructive criticism”.

The comments come after the leader of the council, Cllr Jane Mudd, agreed with her cabinet to recommend a lower council tax increase than the initial five per cent proposed.

Cllr Mudd said that the proposed increase had led to criticism in the public consultation.

Newport’s full council will make a final decision on Tuesday (March 2) on the level of council tax for 2021/22.

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