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Residents object to 40 homes close to area of outstanding natural beauty

Residents are opposed to plans to build 40 homes in a Denbighshire village.

Jones Bros in Ruthin wants to build 40 homes on land near Maes Llan in Llandyrnog, near Denbigh.

Whilst the land is allocated for housing under Denbighshire County Council’s local development plan and already has outline permission in place, residents fear the size of the development is too large.

Residents say the additional cars will cause traffic chaos on narrow roads and fear the homes are close to the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Four of the homes will be affordable and managed by a social housing group, but some residents say that is not enough to meet the local need.

Llandyrnog resident Emyr Morris said the plans would be an overdevelopment.

“In addition to another small development of eight properties within the village, this will result in an increase of 10% in the number of houses in the catchment area of Llandyrnog and a much higher percentage in the immediate village,” he said.

“Access and exit from this development will be via the very restricted Gladstone Terrace Road. When owners or visitors park in front of their own properties, it renders some of the road into a single file road. This section, due to its lack of width, has no pavement, increasing its danger for walkers.

“The proposed development would have 110 car parking spaces and 30 garages. Delivery vans and bin collections will all add to the congestion. They even propose that nine of the properties will have parking spaces and cars reversing in and out directly onto the Llangwyfan Road with no turning spaces.”

As part of the consultation process, many Llandyrnog residents have written to the council.

Barrie James wrote, ‘There will be more parking on the road with zero visibility, plus more congestion.

‘The road infrastructure into the village is not the best at present without another 100 plus cars travelling in and out of the village.”

Rachel Jones agreed. She wrote, ‘This will add congestion on Gladstone Terrace and on the crossroads into the middle of the village which at peak times is already busy.

‘With the number of houses, this could be another 80 cars on the road in the morning. The council has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency and the retention of any old, mature hedgerows should be a priority where possible.

‘Being within close distance to the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty, has the applicant taken into consideration the Lighting Plan designed by the area of outstanding natural beauty to aid guidance for lighting plans?

‘Although just outside the border, at night the proposed estate will be very visible from the area of outstanding natural beauty, which is currently applying for dark sky status, and (they) have identified Coed Langwyfan as a dark sky promotional area.’

Ian Powis added, ‘Very concerned about where the entrance will be which will direct traffic through the centre of the village, which can already be an issue due to parking.’

Liz Bennet wrote, ‘I am very concerned about the increased volume of traffic, on certain roads in the village, which this development will cause, let alone the damage to wildlife habitats that will inevitably take place. Also, if this development should take place, there are not enough affordable homes on offer. This area in North Wales is crying out for actual affordable homes.’

The application will go before Denbighshire’s planning committee.

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