
Wales News Online

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THE plan to increase the numbers of children receiving education in Welsh is set to be updated for the next with ten years with provision already increased in Pembrokeshire.

On Monday (March 15) cabinet member for education Cllr Guy Woodham updated members about progress on the current Welsh Education Strategic Plan (WESP) linked to seven national outcomes including more seven-year-olds being taught through the medium of Welsh, more continuing to learn when they transfer from primary to secondary school, including the number of 14 to 16-year-olds learning in Welsh and improving provision for pupils with additional learning needs.

The change of linguistic category at Ysgol Croesgoch and Ysgol Ger y Llan in Letterson has increased provision for seven-year-olds, said Cllr Woodham and there was support at three language centres for latecomers to Welsh education.

He added that language provision had been strengthened when it came to transition from pre-school settings to Welsh medium schools in Narberth and Fishguard, areas specifically targeted over the last two years and retention of pupils as they transferred to the higher key stages was a priority.

Other improvements, cabinet was told, include the decision to establish a new three to 11 Welsh school in Pembroke, to open in January 2023 and the recent launch of a demand survey for the Milford Haven area, which runs until the end of the month.

The new WESP will include an assessment of need in the Fishguard, Goodwick and Letterson area.

Cllr Cris Tomos, cabinet member for the Welsh language, added that the working group looking at the WESP is on track to complete its work ready for cabinet decision early next year and adoption by September 2022.

The new plan must include ways of increasing more nursery and reception children receiving Welsh education, increasing the numbers continuing to improve their Welsh throughout education, more taking assess qualifications in Welsh and more opportunities for learners to use Welsh in different contexts in school.



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