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158 workers at Anglesey factory tested positive for Covid-19

UP until today 158 workers at the 2 Sisters chicken processing plant in Llangefni, have tested positive for Covid-19.

All the staff are self-isolating and the factory has closed as workers continue to be tested. All schools on the island will remain closed.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said that if there was a need to impose a lockdown on Anglesey he would do so, but his approach would be “proportionate” and based on evidence.

Dr. Giri Shankar, of Public Health Wales, said “aggressive control measures” were being used on Anglesey to stop the infection and that at the moment the outbreak is localised to members of staff working in the factory. He also indicated that all employees have been offered testing.

He added that “There is no evidence of widespread community transmission, but therefore I think at this point in time we need to weigh all the options carefully before going into a blanket lockdown.

Speaking during the Welsh Government’s daily coronavirus news briefing, Mark Drakeford, the First Minister said that he was meeting with local health officials on Anglesey later in the afternoon to review what was happening and to see whether further measures needed to be put in place.

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