
Wales News Online

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22 new cases of coronavirus recorded in Hywel Dda University health board area

THERE have been 22 new cases of coronavirus recorded in the Hywel Dda health board area according to today’s figures (Thursday, March 18).

Public Health Wales data shows there were 13 new cases in Carmarthenshire, five in Pembrokeshire and four in Ceredigion.

Across Wales, 297 new cases have been confirmed and four new suspected Covid-19 deaths have also been reported.
The total number of cases in Wales is now 207,237, with 5,467 deaths.
One death were recorded in the Hywel Dda area, with the total standing at 470 throughout the pandemic.
The total number of cases across the three counties is now 15,702 – 10,607 in Carmarthenshire, 3,352 in Pembrokeshire and 1,743 in Ceredigion.
There have been 15,379 tests carried out since the last report.

Across Wales, 1,180,155 have received a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine and 304,411 the second.

In Hywel Dda the health board has administered 175,893 vaccinations up to March 17 – 26,559 over the last seven days.

There have been 71,519 first doses and second doses 10,401 administered in Carmarthenshire, 49,521 first doses and 7,101 second doses in Pembrokeshire and 27,736 first doses and 3,812 second does in Ceredigion.

Dr Eleri Davies, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:

“The Public Health Wales COVID-19 data on the public-facing dashboard includes 99 new positive results from tests carried out at the end of January.  The reporting of these tests was delayed because of a discrepancy between different data views, which has been investigated and there are now processes in place to identify such issues.

“Individuals received their results in the normal way, and will have been contacted by their local Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) teams at the time and told to self isolate.

“The results were split across several health board areas, but with larger numbers (48) in the Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board.

“While the level of infection across Wales has declined in recent weeks, there are still several areas which have substantially higher rates.

“It is vitally important that we don’t squander the substantial gains that have been made, and therefore I would like to send a clear message to everyone that Coronavirus hasn’t gone away and there are still a large number of people who have not been vaccinated.  In order to protect everyone, including the most vulnerable, everyone must stick to the rules.

“Welsh Government restrictions state that you should not go into any other household or mix with other people who you don’t live with.

“If you are contacted by your local TTP team then it is important that you are truthful with them about where you have been and who you have met.  They are not there to judge, they are there to help prevent ongoing transmission of the virus and to protect the community.

“If you are asked to self-isolate by your local TTP team then please ensure that you do so for the full ten days – this will help break any chains of transmission.

“We encourage everyone, whatever their background, social demographic and ethnicity, to have the vaccine when they are offered it.

“Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the regulatory body, has said that it has not been confirmed that the reports of blood clots were caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.  It has said that given the large numbers of doses administered, and the frequency at which blood clots can occur naturally, the evidence available does not suggest the vaccine is the cause.

“We need your continued support to control the spread of Coronavirus, so please do not send your child to school if they are unwell, even if you are not sure if they have Coronavirus.  Please continue to work from home if at all possible.

“When you take your child to school, always keep your distance from other parents, wear a face covering, and don’t stay around and chat.  Please don’t invite other children or their parents to your home to play or stay, even outdoors, and even if they are in the same bubble at school.

“Make sure your child understands the importance of washing their hands regularly.

“People’s safety will always come first. We continually monitor vaccine safety and we are keeping this issue under close review, but evidence currently available does not confirm this vaccine is causing blood clots. People should still go and get their vaccine when asked to do so.

“Four people from two households can now meet outdoors and outdoor sports facilities can open.

“Indoor care home visits, by one designated visitor for each resident, can now restart.  Access to visits will depend on the circumstances of the visits and individual care homes will be able to provide information on how these visits can be facilitated.

“Coronavirus cases by variant in Wales are reported on the UK Government website.  The dominant strain in Wales is the Kent variant, and there is currently no evidence of widespread community transmission of other Variants of Concern in Wales.

“The Welsh Government also announced an expansion of workplace and community testing, with workplaces with more than 50 employees now eligible for support to regularly test their workforce, helping to reduce the spread of the virus and allowing them to operate safely.

“Restrictions on UK and international travel remain in place.  More information on current travel guidance is available on the Welsh Government website.

“If you or a member of your household develop a cough, fever or change in sense of taste or smell, you must self-isolate immediately and book a free Coronavirus test, either by calling 119 or by visiting www.gov.wales/getting-tested-coronavirus-covid-19.”

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