
Wales News Online

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Approval for partnership with energy company to explore wind farm development

CAERPHILLY Council’s Cabinet has unanimously agreed to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with private green energy company RWE to explore options for the Council to invest, through a shared ownership model in a proposed wind farm development.

This Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and RWE is a non-legally binding agreement that will enable both parties to work in partnership to explore possibilities to develop a shared ownership model for the proposed wind farm development on private land at Pen March Farm, to the north of Rhymney.

If the initiative is developed, the Council would contribute towards the building cost and receive a return on the revenue generated by the project. The Council, through the Memorandum of Understanding, would seek to maximise the local community benefits attributed to the scheme.

Cllr John Ridgewell, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure, said:

“This is an exciting opportunity that not only meets the Council’s priorities to lower carbon emissions, making the county borough an even greener place but also links to our commitments to maximise opportunities for commercial investment and deliver wider community benefits.  This project really demonstrates our ethos as an organisation with a commercial mind and social heart.”

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