
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Seven people were arrested at last night’s Wales v Poland game at the Cardiff City Stadium.

Four of the seven arrests, which were all in the away end, were for possession of a pyrotechnic device and these individuals remain in police custody.

Three other males were arrested for being drunk and disorderly, a racially aggravated public order offence and invading the pitch.

During the event, numerous away fans were ejected from the stadium for breaching ground regulations such as smoking and consuming alcohol.

PC Christian Evans, from South Wales Police, said: “The overwhelming majority of people who attend the Cardiff City Stadium behave responsibly and enjoy a safe experience.

“Wales football fans have earned themselves an excellent reputation both at home and when visiting other countries.

“Being in possession of a pyrotechnic device at a football match, or attempting to bring one into a football stadium, is a criminal offence, and anyone found guilty of committing such an offence faces a Football Banning Order”.

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