
Wales News Online

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Banwen Rave – last defendant appears in court

FRIDAY, 19th March, saw the last defendant appearing in court following an illegal rave in Banwen on August Bank Holiday weekend, which was in breach of Coronavirus Legislation.

Nigel Harris, aged 37 from Lewes in East Sussex, was fined £4,000 with a £190 victim surcharge and £200 court costs. A total of £12,550 in fines have been given to 13 people following the illegal rave. At the time music equipment and vehicles were also seized.

Assistant Chief Constable David Thorne said: “Organising such an event was extremely disappointing and disrespectful to the community. It meant that officers and paramedics had to deal with this vast event in a hostile environment on a weekend that was already exceptionally busy for emergency services. Not only that but this was in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic where the health and wellness of thousands of people were put at unnecessary risk.

“Those who attended knew that their actions were irresponsible and many travelled hundreds of miles to attend the event, which in itself could have potentially contributed to the spread of the virus to multiple communities and key workers.

“We have worked closely with the CPS to bring many of them before the court to face the consequences of their actions.”

ACC Thorne added: “We work tirelessly to uphold the law, but we cannot do this alone. Personal responsibility is crucial.

“I am therefore appealing to the public to report any suspicions that may have around planned raves or unlicensed music events to us on 101 or anonymously to Crimestoppers.

“While we are actively gathering intelligence, the support of the public is crucial and I would urge anyone with information to come forward.

“It’s more important than ever that our communities across South Wales are protected from any events that might accelerate the spread of the virus or cause localised anti-social or illegal activity.”

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