
Wales News Online

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THIS weekend saw a big beach clean and litter pick on and around our beautiful less accessible beaches of South Gower.

Rob Morgan of Gower Fresh Christmas Trees friends and volunteers collected the litter, which was gathered by boat from designated areas on the beaches. The beaches are less accessible by foot to lug the rubbish back.

On Saturday volunteers met at Pwll Ddu and cleaned up before moving on to Three Cliffs Bay. There was also a clean up at Crawley Woods and Tor Bay Hundreds of people turned up to help with the clean up.

Swansea council then collected over 100 recycling and general waste bags from Gower Fresh Christmas Trees on Monday afternoon.

The weekend was organised by Helen Wright who is a 2minute Angel for the charity #2minutebeachclean https://www.2minute.org/ covering Swansea Bay and Gower and Robert Morgan from Gower Fresh Christmas Trees.


It was a wonderful Gower community supported event as Shepherds provided free ice creams, Gower Heritage Centre and Nicholaston Farm provided free parking, Parsons Pickles provided financial support for equipment and Three Cliffs Holiday Park and the Staples Brothers helped with the boat collections.

Helen has been crowdfunding for a year to fund #2minutebeachclean stations around Swansea Bay and Gower and stations will soon be at Coast Cafe, Secret, The Junction, Ripple, Fortes, Langland Brasserie, Surfability and Smugglers in Port Eynon.

Helen is hoping to add to that to have more with a generous donation recently from Parsons Pickles and she’s on the look out for more donations from businesses to support the project too.


Organiser Helen Wright with volunteers Hazel and Gwen Davies, & Georgia Hathaway

From left Rob Morgan (Gower Xmas Trees) Ryan Stephens from Wet Bandits, Laura Adams and James Butler

Volunteers Georgia Hathaway, Natasha ‘dontbeatosser & Ryan Stephens

The rubbish collected at Three Cliffs

The boats collecting

Volunteers with their ice creams

Volunteers were thrilled to receive baby Xmas trees as a thank you too from Gower Fresh

Helen said: “So many people almost apologised to me this weekend that they’d ‘not found that much rubbish’ individually but it just goes to prove that simple, achievable acts can add up to make a great difference. All that rubbish off the beaches out of harms way.”

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