
Wales News Online

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Beaumaris RNLI lifeboat called to incident while on exercise session

THE Beaumaris Atlantic 85 lifeboat Annette Mary Liddington was diverted from exercise at 3.55 pm to attend the incident. Which had occurred by Beaumaris Pier.

In addition to the lifeboat the following emergency services also had been tasked, Bangor and Penmon Mobile Coastguard Rescue Teams plus a Coastguard mud rescue unit together with a Fire & Service unit from Menai Bridge and their flood rescue unit from Bangor plus an Ambulance.
As one of the lifeboat volunteers was competent in mud rescue from his employment in the fire service, and with an incoming tide the coastguard agreed for him to lead the rescue attempt.

This was successful and as soon as the mud had been cleaned off the casualty he was checked over in the ambulance and was suffering no ill effects, was then reunited with his parents.

The Lifeboat the returned to her station at 5.15 pm being refuelled and cleaned under the Covid precaution regulations and made ready for her second exercise session which commenced at 6 pm.

Key facts about the RNLI
The RNLI charity saves lives at sea. Its volunteers provide a 24-hour search and rescue service around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland coasts. The RNLI operates over 238 lifeboat stations in the UK and Ireland and, in a normal year, more than 240 lifeguard units on beaches around the UK and Channel Islands. The RNLI is independent of Coastguard and government and depends on voluntary donations and legacies to maintain its rescue service. Since the RNLI was founded in 1824, its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved over 142,700 lives.

Photo by Steve Bernard

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