
Wales News Online

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Big step forward for health and social care services as Cardigan Integrated Care Centre prepares to open doors

CARDIGAN’S brand new Integrated Care Centre will open its doors to the public on Monday, 9 December, bringing joined-up care to local communities for the first time, Hywel Dda University Health Board is pleased to announce.

The opening of the centre follows hot on the heels of the launch of a similar initiative in Aberaeron, and represents a decisive change of direction in the way that we deliver health and social care services in a largely rural landscape in the 21stCentury.

As well as providing a modern, fit for purpose healthcare service including a GP practice, dental service and pharmacy, the new centre – which has been developed with £23.8m of Welsh Government funding – will host a range of other clinics and services delivered by Hywel Dda, the third sector, local authority and partner organisations.

These include:

  • A nurse-led minor injuries walk-in service with telemedicine links to the emergency department
  • Radiology and diagnostics
  • Phlebotomy service
  • Outpatient suite with consulting rooms and clinical treatment facilities for pre-assessment and outpatient consultations by visiting clinicians and social workers
  • Disease-specific services for heart failure, motor neurone disease clinics, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease services
  • Enhanced telemedicine equipment in clinical areas, providing remote access to specialists from across the professions
  • Rehabilitation services, providing opportunities for intensive and slow stream rehabilitation to restore function and improve independence, supported by therapists, nurses and social care staff within the Community Resource Team
  • Mental health and learning disabilities services
  • A base for the local Community Resource Team in south Ceredigion, including the Acute Response and District Nursing teams
Steve Moore, Chief Executive of Hywel Dda University Health Board, said: “This is an ambitious step forward for our health board which embodies the strategy we agreed last year to shift our focus to community and primary care. It has also taken many years of planning and there have been challenges along the way and we’ve had to work very hard to make sure that we’ve got it right first time.
“In particular, the hard work and commitment from our staff, and the support of many stakeholders – particularly our local communities – has been a critical part of our journey, and it is with these groups in mind that we begin delivering on our ambition of providing safe, sustainable, integrated care for our local population.”

The new Cardigan Integrated Care Centre is based at Canolfan Gofal Interfredig Aberteifi, Rhodfa’r Felin, Cardigan SA43 1JX.

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