
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

HUNDREDS of Swansea residents are taking the opportunity to brighten up their homes and communities this summer with a little help from Council’s famous hanging baskets service.

Last year households and businesses took advantage of the service leading to the creation of almost 1,500 hanging baskets as well as lamp-post displays and flower troughs for summer in the city.

With the growing season about to start, the Council says it has already received lots of orders for hanging baskets. Deliveries are due to start in May, residents and businesses who have yet to order still have until the end of April to do so.

Mark Thomas, Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure Management, said:

“The hanging basket service is one of the most popular around. Hundreds of residents come back to us year after year because of the quality of the service.

“We’ll make sure that all deliveries are in compliance with the Covid-19 regulations in place at the time they reach residents’ doors.

“At a time when we could all do with a bit of brightness in our lives as we get through the pandemic, a hanging basket in the garden or by the front door is perfect. Apart from the sheer enjoyment, they are good for the environment and insect-life as well.”

“We’ve already had hundreds of orders for 2021. But there’s still room for more.”

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