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Brecon pair jailed for assault over neighbour noise complaint

A MAN and woman from Brecon have been jailed for assaulting a neighbour who had asked them to keep the noise down.

Colin Jenkins and Chelsea Young left the female victim feeling unsafe in her own home after the unprovoked attack in a stairwell at Cradoc Close.

Jenkins and Young launched an attack on the vulnerable woman after she had asked them to stop banging on a door during the early hours of the morning.

Sergeant Andrew Rogers, of Brecon police, said: “The offenders were making excessive noise by slamming and banging on a door, which became unbearable to the victim who was trying to sleep.

“She asked them to keep the noise down, resulting in an unprovoked attack, during which she sustained a number of injuries.”

Dyfed-Powys Police officers immediately attended, and a thorough investigation was carried out with enquiries into the allegations of assault, as well as counter allegations from the suspects.

Jenkins and Young were arrested at the scene, and safeguarding measures were put in place to work with the victim, who was left feeling anxious and in fear of further incidents.

The pair were summonsed to appear at Glamorgan Valley Magistrates’ Court. Jenkins, aged 37, was charged with assault by beating, and Young, aged 24, with assault by beating and criminal damage.

They were each sentenced to 20 weeks in prison.

Sgt Rogers said: “This was an excellent investigation by the officer in case, with assistance from colleagues, which ensured a positive outcome for the victim.”

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