
Wales News Online

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This year’s T Llew Jones Day will see the launch of a new production that will bring the popular author’s books to life for school children throughout Wales.

The show which was scripted by Anni Llŷn was commissioned by the theatre company Mewn Cymeriad (In Character) , in partnership with the Welsh Books Council and Ceredigion County Council.

The show is in the form of a monologue with a young actress from the Cardigan area playing the role of Cati Wyllt, an imaginary character created from the actress’ obsession with the author T. Llew Jones. Nia James has just graduated with an MA in Theatre from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Cardiff and is a former member of the CICA performing youth company in Cardigan.

Mewn Cymeriad is a theatre company that stages productions on Welsh historical characters and stories.

Eleri Twynog, Director of Mewn Cymeriad, said: “As a Cardi, and one who loved T Llew’s novels, it’s such a pleasure to be able to present a new show based on the life and work of T Llew Jones. The show is exciting and adventurous, just like the novels, with opportunities for children to use their imagination and be brave pirates or heroes.”

Helen Jones, Head of the Children’s Books and Reading Promotion Department at the Welsh Books Council, said: “Celebrating T Llew Jones Day is one of the most important events in our calendar. T Llew is still a hero to Welsh readers, and the work of the author and teacher still influences generations of poets and writers. It is a great pleasure to see the wonderful adventure stories and unforgettable characters rise from the pages and reach new audiences in a creative and energetic way. We look forward to seeing a new generation of enthusiastic readers of T Llew Jones’ work. ”

Councillor Catherine Hughes, Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet Member responsible for Culture, said: “We are looking forward to seeing the Mewn Cymeriad show come to life which will inspire young people in Ceredigion and the whole of Wales. We are proud to support this project which launces on T Llew Jones Day.”

Non Davies, Corporate Manager for Culture, Ceredigion County Council, said: “The County Council’s Culture Department is delighted to be able to support this exciting project which celebrates the work of one of Ceredigion and indeed the nation’s most well known and well loved authors. Mewn Cymeriad’s unique and creative approach to presenting the author’s work will undoubtedly inspire our young people to discover the literary treasures of T Llew Jones. What better way to celebrate T Llew Jones Day than by launching a production that will no doubt inspire a new generation of writers.”


The show will form an important part of the resources available to schools in Ceredigion to celebrate T Llew Jones Day. A dedicated website created by the county’s Schools Service staff includes a wide range of learning activities and resources based on the life and work of T Llew Jones. These together with the Mewn Cymeriad production will ensure that T Llew Jones and his books live on in the imagination of our pupils for generations to come.


This touring production will be available to tour schools in Wales from 11 October onwards.

For further details contact Eleri Twynog, Mewn Cymeriad: eleri8@icloud.com

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