
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Busiest day for Welsh Ambulance Service since New Year’s Day

YESTERDAY was the Welsh Ambulance Service’s busiest day since New Year’s Day.

The service dealt with 1,495 incidents across Wales on Wednesday (August 12) its most eventful day of the year so far second only to 01 January, when it had 1,593 incidents.

Incidents for the period 06-12 August are up by 10% compared to the previous seven days (30 July-05 August), up by 18% compared to the same period last month (06-12 July) and by 11% on the same period last year (06-12 August 2019).

On A-level results day and with the warm weather set to continue into the weekend, the service is asking the public to act responsibly and only call 999 in a genuine emergency.

Lee Brooks, the Trust’s Director of Operations, said:

“Contrary to popular belief, demand on our ambulance service actually fell during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it’s fair to say that normal business has resumed with regards demand.

“Yesterday was our busiest day of 2020 so far after New Year’s Day, and the hot weather no doubt played a part in that.

“In high temperatures, more people call 999 with breathing difficulties and chest pain or because they feel faint and dizzy, but it can also make people’s pre-existing conditions, like asthma or hay fever, worse.

“The sunshine also draws a large crowd to our beaches and rivers, where accidents and mishaps in the water can occur.

“Through all of this, our crews show up and deliver the best possible care for those who need us, often in full PPE.

“Our plea today and every day is to use 999 responsibly so that we can be there for those who need us most, especially on this A-level results day, when students will no doubt be celebrating with their mates.”

If someone is ill and unsure what to do, visit 111.wales.nhs.uk for advice and information or to test your symptoms or call 111 to speak to a Nurse Advisor. Alternatively, visit a pharmacy, your GP or a Minor Injuries Unit.

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