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Calls for ‘major disruption’ to Wrexham community to end after landslide closes road for five months

THE Welsh Government has been urged to bring an end to the disruption caused to a Wrexham community after a landslide closed a key route.

A section of the B5605 between Newbridge and Cefn Mawr was severely damaged during Storm Christoph in January, when torrential downpours caused part of the footpath to collapse down an embankment.

The closure has resulted in buses being unable to pick passengers up from some areas, as well as causing lengthy diversions for drivers.

Wrexham Council previously applied for funding from the devolved government to fix the road, with the repair bill estimated at anywhere between £500,000 to £1m.

However, the request was knocked back as it did not meet the relevant criteria.

Cefn councillor Sonia Benbow-Jones has now called on Wales’ climate change minister to take action after highlighting the impact on residents’ lives.

The independent politician has also launched a petition addressed to Julie James MS over the issue, which has so far attracted almost 500 signatures.

It states: “The B5605 provides critical road links between communities in Newbridge, Cefn Mawr, Rhosymedre and Ruabon and also Chirk to the south.

“This is causing major disruption to local residents and businesses and also provides a critical diversionary route from the A483. “In the event of closures or planned works on the A483 it means a fifteen mile diversion via Llangollen which is unacceptable.”

In a statement released last week, the council said repairing the damage was still a priority, but described the work need to fix the road as “complex”.

The issue has also been raised by Clwyd South MS Ken Skates who said the storm had “wreaked havoc” in the area.

Cllr Benbow-Jones said it was crucial for the situation to be resolved.

Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, she said: “My challenge to Welsh Government is to show us what pot there is so we can get the thing done.

“It’s been five months and if people need a bus, they haven’t got a bus. That makes a big difference.

“It’s their everyday lives that this is impacting on.

“I know we need to find the right pot, but the Welsh Government needs to realise how important this route is.”

She added: “If you want to get to the doctors, you haven’t got a car and you’re older, it’s a taxi ride now.

“If you’re on a fixed income then it’s just another stress and after Covid, people have had enough stress.”

In response to the calls, a Welsh Government spokesperson said a potential source of money was being looked at to repair the road through its Resilient Roads Fund.

The petition can be signed by visiting https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/repairs-to-bridge-b5605-newbridge

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