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Canolfan Carwyn Sports Centre and Brynamman Lido to be transferred to a community groups

A multi-sports facility, at the heart of the Gwendraeth Valley, has been taken over by a local sports group, the Baton Twirlers.

The management of Canolfan Carwyn Sports Centre, which is owned by Carmarthenshire County, has been transferred to the Baton Twirlers Association Cymru (BTAC) via a lease agreement and will allow the public to continue to use the facilities at the centre.


Whilst Canolfan Carwyn Sports Centre is now the official home of BTAC its facilities are available for the local community and sports groups to be used.


An official reopening of the Centre, which bears the name of one of the Gwendraeth Valley’s most famous sons, under the new management of the BTAC was held on Sunday, October 2.


Speaking at the event, Jessica Shore Director of the Baton Twirlers Association Cymru (BTAC) said:


“We are thrilled to have worked with Carmarthenshire County Council to secure this sports centre on behalf of the local community and it’s a pleasure to welcome the public here today. We are looking forward to working with and hosting various community and sports groups at the Carwyn James Sports Centre.


“It also was very important to us to provide a home for baton twirling in Wales, and we will make great use of the excellent facilities here.”


Cllr. Gareth John, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leisure, Culture and Tourism said “This is a great success story for the BTAC, the Gwendraeth Valley and the council as we have secured the future of the Carwyn James Sports Centre for the local community.


I would like to thank Baton Twirlers Association Cymru for their work and enthusiasm during the process of transferring management of the Sports Centre to them, as a community group, and I wish them the very best for the future.”


Plans approved to transfer management of Brynamman Lido


On Monday, October 3, the council’s Cabinet approved plans to lease the Brynamman Lido, which is held in trust by the Carmarthenshire County Council, to Brynamman Lido Limited under its asset transfer programme.


Under the proposed lease, Brynamman Lido Limited will take over the management of the lido with the intention to reopen the swimming pool for sporting, recreational and leisure activities.


Following the approval of the plans by the Cabinet, Cllr. Gareth John commented:


“We are pleased to be working with the local group in Brynamman to transfer the management and maintenance of the lido to the community.


“The transfer of this asset will allow Brynamman Lido Ltd to apply for funding via grants that would not be available to the County Council, and we will continue to work with them and provide support along the journey to reopening the lido to the community.”

Canolfan Chwaraeon Carwyn a Lido Brynaman i’w trosglwyddo i grwpiau cymunedol

Mae grŵp chwaraeon lleol, y Chwyrlïwyr Baton wedi cymryd drosodd cyfleuster aml-chwaraeon yng nghanol Cwm Gwendraeth.

Cafodd rheolaeth Canolfan Chwaraeon Carwyn, sy’n eiddo i Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, ei throsglwyddo i Baton Twirlers Association Cymru (BTAC) trwy gytundeb prydles a bydd yn caniatáu i’r cyhoedd barhau i ddefnyddio’r cyfleusterau yn y ganolfan.


Er bod Canolfan Chwaraeon Carwyn bellach yn gartref swyddogol i BTAC mae cyfleusterau’r ganolfan ar gael i’r gymuned leol a grwpiau chwaraeon eu defnyddio.


Cynhaliwyd ailagoriad swyddogol y Ganolfan, sy’n meddu ar enw un o feibion enwocaf Cwm Gwendraeth, o dan reolaeth newydd BTAC, ddydd Sul, 2 Hydref.


Wrth siarad yn y digwyddiad dywedodd Jessica Shore, Cyfarwyddwr Baton Twirlers Association Cymru (BTAC):


“Rydym wrth ein boddau ein bod wedi gweithio gyda Chyngor Sir Caerfyrddin i sicrhau’r ganolfan chwaraeon hon ar ran y gymuned leol, ac mae’n bleser croesawu’r cyhoedd yma heddiw. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gydweithio gyda grwpiau cymunedol a chwaraeon amrywiol yng Nghanolfan Chwaraeon Carwyn James a chynnig lle iddynt gyfarfod.


“Roedd hefyd yn bwysig iawn i ni ddarparu cartref ar gyfer chwyrlio baton yng Nghymru, a byddwn yn gwneud defnydd gwych o’r cyfleusterau rhagorol yma.”


Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Gareth John, Aelod Cabinet dros Adfywio, Hamdden, Diwylliant a Thwristiaeth “Mae hon yn stori lwyddiannus iawn ar gyfer y BTAC, Cwm Gwendraeth a’r Cyngor gan ein bod wedi sicrhau dyfodol Canolfan Chwaraeon Carwyn James ar gyfer y gymuned leol.


Hoffwn ddiolch i Baton Twirlers Association Cymru am eu gwaith a’u brwdfrydedd yn ystod y broses o drosglwyddo rheolaeth y Ganolfan Chwaraeon iddynt, fel grŵp cymunedol, a dymunaf y gorau iddynt ar gyfer y dyfodol.”


Cymeradwyo cynlluniau i drosglwyddo rheolaeth Lido Brynaman


Ddydd Llun, 3 Hydref, cymeradwyodd Cabinet y Cyngor gynlluniau i brydlesu Lido Brynaman, sy’n cael ei gadw mewn ymddiriedaeth gan Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, i Brynamman Lido Limited dan ei raglen trosglwyddo asedau.


O dan y brydles arfaethedig, bydd Brynamman Lido Limited yn cymryd rheolaeth o’r lido gyda’r bwriad i ailagor y pwll nofio ar gyfer gweithgareddau chwaraeon a hamdden.


Yn dilyn cymeradwyo’r cynlluniau gan y Cabinet, dywedodd y Cynghorydd Gareth John:


“Rydym yn falch o gael gweithio gyda’r grŵp lleol ym Mrynaman i drosglwyddo’r gwaith o reoli a chynnal a chadw’r lido i’r gymuned.


“Bydd trosglwyddo’r ased hwn yn caniatáu i Brynamman Lido Ltd wneud cais am arian drwy grantiau na fyddai ar gael i’r Cyngor Sir, a byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda nhw a darparu cymorth ar hyd y daith i ailagor y lido i’r gymuned.”


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