
Wales News Online

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BLACKWEIR Bridge has re-opened following the completion of structural works by contractors working on behalf of Cardiff University to make the bridge structurally safe. 

New signage is in place asking people to keep left, follow good hand and respiratory hygiene, and not to stop on the bridge.

Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Cllr Peter Bradbury said:

“Throughout the pandemic, we have done and will continue to do, all we can to keep Cardiff safe and limit the spread of Covid-19. But we also want to enable people to move safely and easily around the city, and I’m pleased that we are now in a position where all necessary structural works have been completed, and the safe re-opening of the bridge is possible.”

Barriers stopping people using the bridge to cross the River Taff were erected in late April 2020 after repeated warnings to maintain social distancing by crossing in one direction at a time were ignored.

Revised Covid-19 risk assessments, taking into account changes to the scientific understanding of how the virus is transmitted, were carried out by Cardiff Council last year but prior to re-opening a structural survey of the bridge, carried out by Cardiff University, revealed damage to the bridge decking, caused by a fire, and damage to a number of mesh panels, caused by a tree hitting the bridge during storms last spring.

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