
Wales News Online

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Care provision for children of key workers

CARE provision has been provided for around 500 children in Carmarthenshire whose parents work in key roles within the NHS and social care sector.

Carmarthenshire County Council has set up three strategic care hubs across the county to provide care on Monday (March 23) to trial and further refine its approach before it is rolled out to additional communities by Wednesday.

Resources have been focused on implementing a graduated approach to ensure robust, sustainable and resilient arrangements for the longer-term, in the event that closures continue after the planned Easter break.

Gareth Morgans, Director of Education and Children’s Services, said: “Following advice from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government we are minimising social contact to protect our children, young people and staff, and lower the risk of spreading the virus.

“Parents are advised to keep their children home whenever possible and as such we are keeping numbers in educational or childcare settings to the minimum possible whilst prioritising care for the children of doctors, nurses, midwives, social care staff and paramedics in the first instance. Where we have capacity it has been possible to include care workers.

“We appreciate that this approach might not meet all needs at this point in time, but we aim to meet demand by Wednesday as further care hubs open. We ask for people’s understanding that we are working to help as many people as possible whilst considering the Government’s advice.

“This is an unprecedented situation, and we appreciate parents’ support and understanding during this very difficult time.”

Measures have been put in place at the care hubs to ensure the safety of children and staff. Children will be cared for by qualified and experienced staff, and teams have been put in place to offer education, psychology, counselling and other social care needs.

Food is being provided and there is a planned cleaning regime. Measures have also been put in place to check for symptoms of illness and the safety of children at drop-off and pick-up times.

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