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Carmarthenshire’s GCSE results top Welsh average

SECONDARY school pupils in Carmarthenshire are celebrating GCSE pass rates above the national average again this year.

Almost 71 per cent of pupils have achieved a grade C or higher, with 21.3 per cent awarded the top A*- A grades – both higher than the averages for Wales.

Their achievements have been praised and congratulated by Carmarthenshire County Council education chiefs who said the hard work and dedication shown by both pupils and staff has ensured richly deserved success.

Standards in English Language and English Literature continue to improve across the county, with 63.5 per cent and 80.5 per cent of entries, being awarded a C grade or above.

Pupils continue to achieve strong progress in their Welsh language skills with 72 per cent of entries in Welsh Language and 88 per cent of entries in Welsh Literature attaining a C grade or better, an upward trend that bucks the national trend.

Pass rates in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths have also continued to improve and surpass the Welsh averages.

Cllr Glynog Davies, Executive Board member for Education and Children’s Services, has congratulated pupils.

“Once again our Carmarthenshire pupils continue to achieve great success in their examinations at Key Stage 4 due to their considerable efforts, and the perseverance of their schools,” he said. “The progress achieved provides our pupils with a firm foundation as they move on to their future learning and career opportunities. I would like to sincerely thank all parents and staff for their support in securing such pleasing achievements.”

Gareth Morgans, Director for Education and Children’s Services, added: “I offer my warmest congratulations and thanks to all pupils, their families and school staff for their ongoing commitment and support towards securing today’s successes. Having visited Queen Elizabeth High School in Carmarthen this morning I saw first-hand how important these outcomes are for our young people.

“Our examination results highlight how effectively our school staff are embracing change during this period of educational reform and how dedicated and skilled they are in ensuring that each pupils’ individual needs are successfully met. Our results represent the positive impact of working together in effective partnership across Carmarthenshire, the ERW region and nationally, to ensure the highest levels of achievement and progress for all.

“We will continue to ensure that teachers are well supported as they inspire our young people to develop their skills and knowledge through engaging and challenging learning experiences.”

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