
Wales News Online

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THE number of COVID-19 cases in Ceredigion continue to increase at an alarming rate and have seen the highest rate of cases in Ceredigion since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of cases in Ceredigion is now at 1,163.8 per 100,000 of the population with 846 cases in the last 7 days. Ceredigion has seen the largest increase across Wales in the last week.

If you are a positive case, please ensure that you continue to self-isolate for 10 days and that you respond to a call or text from the Contact Tracers. By responding and identifying your contacts, you will help stop the transmission of COVID-19 in our communities. Also, please take up the opportunity of getting vaccinated – it is never too late to get your first, second or booster vaccine.

As a result of Omicron cases rising across Wales, Welsh Government have put in measures to reduce transmission.

On 26 December at 6am a modified level 2 came into place, with the following restrictions and guidance:

Nightclub closures
2m social distance from others, including at work
Face covering to be worn in pubs and restaurants if not eating or drinking
All sporting events, both professional and community are played behind closed doors
Rule of 6 in hospitality, theatres, cinemas
Licensed premises need to take contact details, pre bookings and put appropriate measures in place
Try and limit your social contacts when mixing indoors
Large events not allowed (indoors or outdoors)
Organised events will be limited to 30 people indoors and 50 people outdoors
No limit to number of people in weddings, funerals. Venues need to regulate and put COVID-19 safety measures in place. Guests are advised to take a Lateral Flow Test before attending.
Here’s a summary of the changes to the self-isolation rules, which was implemented on 22 December:

All over 18s who are fully vaccinated (having received two full doses of an approved vaccine or one dose of the Janssen vaccine) and children aged 5 to 17 will be asked to take lateral flow tests every day for 7 days if they are contacts of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
They do not need to self-isolate unless they have a positive lateral flow test or develop symptoms. In either of these cases, they should book a PCR test as soon as possible.
Anyone who meets the above criteria and is currently isolating as a contact can stop isolating on 22 December and use daily lateral flow tests instead. This includes anyone isolating as a contact of a confirmed or suspected Omicron case.
Our position remains unchanged for unvaccinated adults who must continue to isolate for 10 days. Our position on children under 5 also remains unchanged and they are not required to self-isolate or test as contacts.
These changes simplify our current approach to self-isolation. Anyone who is fully vaccinated or aged 5 to 17 can access daily contact testing instead of self-isolation, regardless of whether they are a household or close contact. This also removes our previous specific regulations on contacts of Omicron cases.
The NHS Covid app will be updated in due course and additional messaging will be provided.
With cases rising sharply in the county we urge you to keep following the guidelines. If you display any symptoms associated with the coronavirus, self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test – https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test.

The main symptoms include:

a high temperature
a new continuous cough
a loss or change to sense of smell or taste
You should also be aware of other symptoms early on, such as headaches, tiredness and general aches and pains usually associated with the flu.

Careful steps

Remember that we can all take steps that can make a difference to protect each other, our friends, our families and our communities. These include:

get your booster
if you have symptoms, self-isolate and book a PCR test
Flow before you go; if you do not have symptoms, take regular lateral flow tests before going out – whether that’s to a New Year’s Eve party; shopping in the sales; visiting friends or family; going to any crowded or busy place or before travelling
Keep indoor areas well ventilated
keep your distance when you can
wash your hands
wear a face covering. If you’re in the pub or restaurant, pop your face covering back on if you’re not eating or drinking.
Hywel Dda University Health Board now invites anyone over the age of 18 years, plus those in a higher priority group, to drop-in to a Mass Vaccination Centre (MVC) for their vaccination. For more information, please visit https://hduhb.nhs.wales/healthcare/covid-19-information/covid-19-vaccination-programme/

To protect frontline public services and keep disruption to a minimum we all need to take responsibility and play our part in keeping Ceredigion safe.


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