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Ceredigion residents encouraged to take part in assessment of Local Well-being

CEREDIGION Public Services Board is carrying out an Assessment of Local Well-being. We want to find out about the well-being of local people and communities, now and for the future.

Many things can influence the well-being of our individuals and communities, such as economic, social, environmental and cultural factors.

The Public Service Board is a multiagency group of senior representatives from all the main organisations that provide services to the people of Ceredigion.

The Leader of the Council, Ellen ap Gwynn, Chair of Ceredigion Public Services Board, said: “The Assessment of Local Well-being is a vital document which will be used when putting together our next Local Well-being Plan for 2023-28. Taking part in the Assessment of Local Well-being, gives us an insight into the well-being of our local people and communities now, and how economic, social, environmental and cultural factors influence well-being. Not only this, the Assessment also aids us in protecting our future generations and I would encourage everyone to have their say and take part.”

Want to know more?

Have a look at our Well-being in Ceredigion Factsheet: www.ceredigion.gov.uk/media/9686/well-being-in-ceredigion-factsheet.pdf

For further information on Ceredigion Public Services Board, visit: https://www.ceredigion.gov.uk/your-council/partnerships/ceredigion-public-services-board/

How to get involved?

You can take part in the regional survey on well-being by going to the consultations page on Ceredigion County Council’s website: www.ceredigion.gov.uk/your-council/consultations/

You can also visit the new Have Your Say Ceredigion website and take part in online engagement: https://haveyoursay.ceredigion.gov.uk/

What happens next?

The information given to us will be used, along with other evidence, to produce our Ceredigion Assessment of Local Well-being. This Assessment will then be used to put together our next Ceredigion Local Well-being Plan for 2023-28. The Plan will set out our Well-being Objectives and work as Ceredigion Public Services Board to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Ceredigion.

This engagement exercise will be open until the 8th of October 2021.

If you need to get in touch with us or need information please contact us on 01545 570881 or clic@ceredigion.gov.uk

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