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“AMBITIOUS strategic targets” to get more children in Ceredigion learning in Welsh form part of a ten year plan which will go out for public consultation soon.

As part of the Welsh Government plan for more than 1million Welsh speakers by 2050 all local authorities have been given targets specific to the area and in Ceredigion one of the key targets is that at least 87 per cent of year one pupils will receive Welsh-medium education by 2032.

By the end of the 10 year plan all three to seven-year-olds will attend to Welsh-medium “immersion education” which will mean introducing more Welsh at two primary schools in the Aberystwyth area that are classed as English-medium, with significant use of Welsh.

“We are on a continual journey to increase the numbers of Welsh speakers,” said Cllr Keith Evans.

More Welsh speaking childcare providers are required and there is also a proposal to introduce Welsh-language nursery provision for three-year-olds Ysgol Cei Newydd, Ysgol Comins Coch and St. Padarn’s School as well as plans Welsh-medium nursery provision at Ysgol Llwyn-yr- Eos and Ysgol Plascrug.

“We know there are so many advantages of being able to speak more than one language and being bilingual,” said Meinir Ebbsworth, chief education officer, at Thursday’s (May 27) learning communities overview and scrutiny committee.

Cllr Bryan Davies said that extra provision must also be made in secondary schools and when pupils transition from their primary schools.

The committee welcomed the “comprehensive” report and highlighted its importance to the young people of the area and the future of the Welsh language.

“This is very important and should have been put in a century ago,” said Cllr Lynford Thomas, who added: “There are still people in Wales that are angry, if that’s the right word, of the use of the language, as councillors anything we can do to promote the language and improve standards in every part if out life, it’s important to do something about it.”

The committee backed the strategic plan and the recommendation to cabinet that it go out for public consultation.


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