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Cost for school items to be considered as cost-of-living crisis hits families

Parents, guardians, and learners are being asked to consider if school logos on uniforms are necessary, as part of a new consultation launched today by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

The consultation will seek opinions on a variety of proposals relating to school uniform to update the statutory guidance and to further support families through the cost-of-living crisis and make uniforms more affordable.

Options to be considered include the use of school branding and whether schools should have no logo at all, or use ‘iron on logos’ to be made available free of charge. This could give families the option to purchase uniform at cheaper costs from a retailer of their choice. It will also seek opinions on whether schools should enter into single supplier contracts.

Views on the role of schools in uniform recycling and exchange schemes are also sought.

Parents/carers, learners, governing bodies, headteachers, teachers and school staff, uniform suppliers and other key stakeholders are encouraged to share their views by responding to the consultation.


Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles said: “The Welsh Government is doing everything we can to support families through this cost-of-living crisis.

“I know that a lot of schools work hard to keep the cost of their uniforms to a minimum. However, there are still too many instances where families are being expected to spend eye-watering amounts just to send their children to school.”

“We are launching this consultation so that we can take further action in order to support families.

“96,000 pupils are already eligible for our PDG Access Grant – the most generous support scheme in the UK – which helps with the cost of uniforms and school items. I urge families to check whether they are eligible so that they too can benefit from this vital support

The consultation will run until 28th November 202

Links to the consultation can be viewed here https://gov.wales/changes-statutory-guidance-school-uniform-and-appearance-policies and https://llyw.cymru/newidiadau-ir-canllawiau-statudol-ar-bolisiau-gwisg-ysgol-ac-edrychiad-disgyblion

Cost eitemau ysgol i’w hystyried wrth i gostau byw effeithio ar deuluoedd

Mae gofyn i rieni, gwarcheidwaid a dysgwyr ystyried a yw’n angenrheidiol cael logo’r ysgol ar y wisg ysgol, fel rhan o ymgynghoriad newydd sydd wedi’i lansio heddiw gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles.

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn gofyn am farn ar amrywiaeth o gynigion yn ymwneud â gwisg ysgol er mwyn diweddaru’r canllawiau statudol a chynnig rhagor o gymorth i deuluoedd yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw a gwneud gwisgoedd ysgol yn fwy fforddiadwy.

Ymysg yr opsiynau i’w hystyried mae’r defnydd o frand yr ysgol ac a ddylai ysgolion beidio â chael logo o gwbl, neu ddefnyddio logos y gellid eu smwddio ymlaen a fydd ar gael am ddim. Gallai hyn roi’r opsiwn i deuluoedd brynu gwisg ysgol yn rhatach gan fân-werthwr o’u dewis. Bydd hefyd yn gofyn am farn ynghylch a ddylai ysgolion ymrwymo i gontractau cyflenwr unigol.

Gofynnir am farn ynghylch rôl yr ysgol mewn perthynas â chynlluniau ailgylchu a chyfnewid gwisg ysgol.

Caiff rhieni/gofalwyr, dysgwyr, cyrff llywodraethu, penaethiaid, athrawon a staff ysgol, cyflenwyr gwisg ysgol a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill eu hannog i rannu eu safbwyntiau drwy ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad.


Dywedodd Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles: “Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud popeth o fewn ei gallu i gefnogi teuluoedd drwy’r argyfwng costau byw.

“Rwy’n gwybod bod llawer o ysgolion yn gweithio’n galed i gadw costau eu gwisg ysgol yn isel. Er hynny, mae gormod o achosion o hyd lle mae disgwyl i deuluoedd wario arian mawr dim ond i anfon eu plant i’r ysgol.”

“Rydyn ni’n lansio’r ymgynghoriad hwn fel y gallwn ni gymryd rhagor o gamau i gefnogi teuluoedd.

“Mae 96,000 o ddisgyblion eisoes yn gymwys ar gyfer ein Grant Datblygu Disgyblion – Mynediad. Dyma’r cynllun cymorth mwyaf hael yn y DU ac mae’n helpu gyda chostau gwisg ysgol ac eitemau ysgol. Rwy’n annog teuluoedd i wirio a ydynt yn gymwys er mwyn iddynt hwy hefyd allu elwa ar y cymorth hanfodol hwn.

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn rhedeg hyd at 28 Tachwedd 2022

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