
Wales News Online

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THE FIRST of Pembrokeshire’s planned council houses – the first in 25 years – were given the go-ahead on the former school site in Johnston.

The County Council plans to build 33 homes on the site with a mix of sizes “reflecting the need of the combined social housing register” said planning agent Robin Williams.

There will be 12 one bed flats in three, two-storey, blocks and four of those will be suitable for assisted living.

The other homes will include seven two storey, two bedroom houses; five two storey, three bedroom houses; two two storey, four bedroom houses; one two storey, five bedroom house; four two bedroom bungalows and two bungalows with three or more bedrooms.

The former school at Cranham Park was demolished last year with the school moved to Langford Road in 2016.

Parking is included in the plan along with shared, informal green areas, and the existing access road will be used.

Residents raised concerns about an increase in traffic and noise as well as the size of the houses not being in-keeping with the neighbouring bungalows.

Ronald Denny spoke at the planning committee meeting on Tuesday, May 21 and said that it would increase the amount of houses by nearly three times.

An alternative access had been suggested but Mr Williams had said risked creating a “rat-run” and was not considered suitable.

The application was unanimously approved.

The Authority’s cabinet member for housing and regulatory services, Pat Davies, has said previously: “If planning permission is granted, the construction of modern, sustainable council homes on the site of the old Johnston Primary School in Cranham Park is expected to start later this year.

“This house building scheme will fulfil a pledge that the cabinet made when it took over the administration of Pembrokeshire County Council two years ago.

“The cabinet made it one of their priorities to commence a much-needed social housing building programme in order to meet the need for good quality homes in the county.

“I am proud to say that we are taking the first steps to honouring that pledge.”

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