
Wales News Online

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Council issues reminder to residents keep their dogs on lead near livestock

CAERPHILLY Council is reminding residents to keep their dogs on a lead when walking near livestock after recently receiving a number of complaints of sheep being attacked in different areas of Rudry.

To make dog walking safe, NFU Mutual has issued the following advice:

Always keep dogs on the lead when walking in rural areas where livestock are kept but let go of the lead if chased by cattle;

Be aware that even small dogs can chase, injure and kill farm animals;

Take special care to keep close control of dogs unused to farm animals;

Report attacks by dogs and sightings of dogs roaming the countryside to the police or local farmers, and

Don’t let dogs loose and unsupervised in gardens adjoining livestock fields – many attacks are caused by dogs that escape and attack sheep grazing nearby

A recent survey of dog owners commissioned by NFU Mutual in January 2021 reveals that 64% of dog owners are letting their pets roam free in the countryside, despite half of the owners surveyed admitting their dog doesn’t always come back when called.

The research revealed that 42% of dog owners have been walking their pets more often in the countryside during the pandemic and that 81% of survey respondents have noticed more people exercising their pets in rural areas.

Cllr John Ridgewell, Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure commented:

“We want people to enjoy the countryside so long as you’re able to reach your destination on foot as it’s important for people’s wellbeing. However, it is the dog owners’ responsibility to keep dogs on a lead whenever there is possibility livestock are nearby.

“Please ensure you continue to follow Government Guidance which states that exercise, including dog walking, must start and finish from your home.”

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