
Wales News Online

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COUNCILLORS congratulated social services on its latest Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) performance report at scrutiny this week.

Members of the healthier communities overview and scrutiny committee at Ceredigion County Council welcomed the CIW report following inspection and “performance evaluation activity during the course of the year.”

It focused on the social services department’s ability to meet its statutory duties as well as areas to improve.

The CIW summary letter presented to scrutiny stated that there was an experienced senior management team at the authority and inspectors “found motivated front-line staff in children’s and adult services who treated people with respect and who were enthusiastic and understood the vision for the service.”

There was positive feedback from children and foster carers, the CIW said, and that young people felt the council had “tried its best to keep them safe.”

Improvements were being made to ensure that all looked after children were visited within the required times.

The CIW highlighted the importance of the council’s work with other bodies such as the health board and it spent two days with the Community Mental Health team, finding “good operational partnership working.”

Over the coming year the CIW will review prevention, partnership working, and experiences of disabled children as well as a focused activity on “quality of care and support plan reviews for children and young people and the quality of deprivation of liberty safeguards.”

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