
Wales News Online

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Councillor’s plans for stable block to be discussed at virtual committee meeting

A Narberth county councillor wants to build a stable block and tack room at his Templeton home.

Narberth rural councillor Elwyn Morse’s planning application will be discussed at the virtual committee meeting on Tuesday, June 2.

The plan for a stable block on grazing land would have three stables, a tack room and an open store with a footprint of 75 square metres and 3.5 metres high.

A planning report states that the stable building will be used for diversification of the farm after an enterprise involving a small herd of suckler cows on Cllr Morse’s five acres of land had “diminished.”

There are no objections to the plan, although representations can be made until June 16, but it is to be considered by the committee because of Cllr Morse’s position.

It is asked that delegated power to decide the application be granted as long as no new substantive planning issues are raised.

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