
Wales News Online

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Councils get new powers to close premises if rules breached

ELUNED Morgan MS for Mid and West Wales has called for greater respect of social distancing rules as Wales reopens following the Covid-19 lockdown. Adding that councils are to get new powers to close premises if rules breached.

Regulations will be laid today (August 7) and will come into force on Monday, 10 August.

The Welsh Government minister has issued a timely reminder that as the Covid-19 virus continues to circulate, at lower rates than before, the public must continue to take every precaution necessary to keep COVID down.

Eluned Morgan said:

“We have seen tremendous support for the measures the Welsh Government has taken to protect public health.  As those measures are eased, the emphasis now shifts back to us, to take more personal responsibility for suppressing the virus and with that comes the need to show respect especially for others who may be at greater risk of the serious consequences of this virus.”

“We cannot just go back to how life was before the lockdown, so much has changed.  The impact of the last few months has affected us all differently and this is a particularly anxious time, especially those who are still shielding or have an underlying health condition.”

“The simplest way of avoiding Covid-19 and the impact it will cause you and those around you is to practise physical distancing.  You cannot catch or pass on a virus if you do not come into contact with it.  Sadly, I’ve heard too many stories of people not taking this simple precaution and worse still, cases where people have been ridiculed for trying to follow the guidance issued by Public Health Wales.”

Eluned Morgan is reminding people that anyone can spread the virus and to follow these simple steps to prevent a local outbreak:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.

Practise good respiratory hygiene, when coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Make sure to discard the tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

Maintain physical distancing – leaving at least 2 metres (6 feet) distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever.

If you are meeting one other household, stay outdoors and stay local

Avoid busy locations and if a place becomes overcrowded and it is impossible to observe physical distancing, leave.

Work from home, if you can.


Unlike other parts of the United Kingdom, Wales specific regulations place a direct responsibility on the person in charge of premises to take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus.  Extensive guidance has been issued and is available on the Welsh Government Coronavirus website.

Across Carmarthenshire,  many businesses have invested time, energy and money to make sure that they can operate in a COVID-secure fashion. To support them, the Welsh Government is providing new powers to Carmarthenshire County Council, to intervene quickly and decisively where that is not the case – this will include requiring premises to close if necessary.

Eluned Morgan MS added:

“People across the county have done very well at supporting our efforts to keep COVID down. But we cannot take our eye off the ball now –follow the advice, familiarise yourself with the symptoms and know what to do if you become unwell.  Visit the website 111.wales.nhs.uk for the latest coronavirus advice and keep Wales safe this summer.”

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