
Wales News Online

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County school classed as ‘voluntary controlled’ from September

THE Llanybydder and Lampeter area school will officially be classed as ‘voluntary controlled’ from September as intended.

Ceredigion County Council approved the final step in changing Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn in Drefach from a community school to voluntary controlled status following consultation, including with pupils.

The school opened in 2017 and merged Llanwnnen, Llanwenog and Cwrtnewydd primary schools.

A report to full council on July 31 states: “The original proposal for Dyffryn Cledlyn School was for it to be designated a Voluntary Controlled School. The current proposal will therefore align with the original intention.”

Cabinet member for school service and lifelong learning Cllr Catrin Miles said that “all the comments received in the consultation were in favour.”

“The proposal will have no impact upon the size of the school, pupil population, staffing structure or language of instruction. The school will remain Welsh medium.”

Members voted to discontinue Dyffryn Cledlyn Community Primary School on the August 31, 2019 and establish a new Voluntary Controlled School known as Dyffryn Cledlyn effective from September 1, 2019.

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