
Wales News Online

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Dafydd Llywelyn launches re-election campaign to become the Police and Crime Commissioner

IN an event onTuesday the 6th of April 2021, Dafydd Llywelyn, the current Police and Crime Commissioner for the Dyfed Powys Police Force area launched his campaign for re-election in an online event hosted by the MP for Ceredigion Ben Lake. Dafydd Llywelyn was elected in May 2016 and has served for 5 years as the Commissioner following the postponement of the election that was due to be held last May. The election is to be held on May the 6th this year.

During his term in office Dafydd Llywelyn has managed to deliver all of his manifesto pledges from 2016, most notably delivering a new modern CCTV system across 25 towns with over 150 cameras. The new CCTV system is monitored in Police Headquarters and has served a critical crime fighting tool for Dyfed Powys Police. He has increased police officer numbers and the local Neighbourhood Policing Teams have been refreshed to provide additional resources and a focus on local police visibility and accountability. In 2018 a dedicated Rural Crime Team was created and the Force prioritised Domestic Abuse and County Lines Drug dealing during his leadership.

Dafydd Llywelyn stated: “I am proud of my achievements over the last 5 years and I am pleased that I have been able to influence the Force and Criminal Justice agencies in a positive way. Partnership working has been key to my success and I recognise the need to work with multiple stakeholders for the good of our community. If reelected I will continue this positive approach and further build on these delivered successes.”

At the online launch, 30 key deliverables will be presented with a promise that there is more to come from Dafydd Llywelyn who has over 20 years experience in working within Policing and Criminal Justice.

Mr. John Williams former Professor and Head of the Law and Criminology Department at Aberystwyth University is supporting Dafydd Llywelyn’s re-election campaign and stated “Dafydd is a knowledgeable hard-working and innovative Police Commissioner who has become a leading figure for policing in Wales and beyond.”.


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