
Wales News Online

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Date set for re-opening of Oriel Myrddin Gallery

PREPARATIONS are underway for the phased re-opening of Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen on Tuesday, August 25.

The gallery and shop on Church Lane, opposite St Peter’s Church, has been closed since the end of March due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

There will be new opening hours until the gallery fully re-opens – Tuesday to Saturday from 11am – 3pm.

New measures have been put in place to ensure visitors and staff are safe whilst visiting. The number of people entering the building will be limited at any one time, to ensure social distancing. There will also be a one-way system and sanitisation stations.

Visitors will also be asked to provide their contact details on entry as part of contact tracing.

The toilets remain closed to visitors and there is no public access to first floor currently.

Oriel Myrddin Gallery has signed up to the Good to Go scheme – the official UK mark to signal that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

The gallery re-opens with an exhibition by Peter Bodenham: Sea Vessel // Llestr môr.

The Cardigan-based artist and potter’s exhibition is an exploration and extension of Peter’s site-specific research project in which he has been studying the human impact and ecology on a small section of the West Wales coastline. Peter has spent the past year combing the shoreline of plastic as well as seaweed and clay, using these in his own ceramic practice to respond to the everyday ‘beauty’ but no less harmful effect of found plastic debris.

For more information on the exhibition go to https://orielmyrddingallery.co.uk/event/peter-bodenham-sea-vessel/

Executive board member for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Cllr Peter Hughes Griffiths, said: “We’re delighted that the gallery is re-opening and with this exciting new exhibition by Peter Bodenham.

“Whilst we obviously want people to enjoy, there are measures in place within the gallery and we would ask visitors to ensure they follow these at all times to ensure their safety as well as the safety of our staff.”

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