
Wales News Online

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DAY centres across Pembrokeshire will not open today, (Wednesday, March 17) as the council closes the doors following coronavirus advice.

Pembrokeshire County Council has closed its day centres from March 17 following the latest Government advice regarding the threat of infection and due to the vulnerability of those that attend the centres.

It follows a decision taken last week by Ceredigion County Council to close such facilities.

Council Leader, David Simpson, said the decision to close the day service at the centres was a difficult but necessary one to make.

Support will be provided at home where necessary and service users will be contacted.

Councillor Simpson said: “The health and safety of our service users and staff are our main priority and we don’t want to put them at any unnecessary risk.

“We wish to reassure the service users and their families that the service will return to normal once we are able to do so.”

He added that the local authority was also advising commissioned and private day services to adopt the same approach.

Any service user who has needs deemed to be critical based on their assessment will continue to receive appropriate support at home or in their community during this period, the announcement states.

“We will be working across the sector to ensure that we work together to achieve this” said Cllr Simpson. “Over the next few days a member of staff will be in contact with service users to discuss this further.”

If a service user or related family wishes to discuss further, they are welcome to contact the Council on 01437 764551 or email: social.care.business.unit@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

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